A commitment to minimize tuition increases continues during the latest tuition setting cycle, reflecting a multi-year effort by the board and universities to slow increases and improve predictability.

For the 2018-19 academic year, Arizona resident undergraduate students at Arizona State University will see no tuition increase. Continuing Arizona resident undergraduate students at Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona will see a zero increase, with slight increases for incoming resident freshmen of 3.5 percent and 2 percent respectively for NAU and UA.

Keeping college affordable and attainable is at the forefront of the Arizona Board of Regent’s strategic plan. With tuition guarantees and pledges at the universities, students and families can plan for the costs of college.

In addition, the Arizona Board of Regents student funding model directs state dollars toward Arizona’s resident students and has set a multi-year goal to split the cost to educate resident students with the state, providing financial stability and allowing the universities to make multi-year tuition plans.