Arizona’s Legislature extended Proposition 301 for 20 years, providing a steady stream of funds through state sales tax dollars to K-12, community colleges and Arizona’s public universities Technology and Research Initiative Fund. Voters initially passed the measure in 2000.
Prop. 301 provides critical funding for TRIF projects that are focused on research and workforce development in Arizona. Areas that are advanced through TRIF projects include improvements in healthcare; water, environmental and energy solutions; advancements in national security systems; space exploration and optical solutions; and higher education access for workforce development.
In the past year, TRIF-funded initiatives include efforts to develop a treatment for Ebola, awarding a new patent for an assay that significantly reduces the time needed to diagnose and treat Valley Fever and creating a substitute for concrete. This year, 39 new startup companies were founded based on technology from TRIF-supported research and 48 new patents were issued.
The Technology and Research Initiative Fund directly impacts Arizona’s economic development through cutting-edge research and innovation, creating a foundation for research and entrepreneurship that benefits Arizona and its citizens.